About Kina and Tam

What is Kinand...Kinaand...kinaandtam (pronounced Kee-na-and-tam)??

It's playtime for us every-time we get dressed. 

Hello, welcome to Kina & Tam! It’s like a playground, a place free of worries, a place where the fun never ends, and where everyone gets along - and the playthings are our clothing! High quality, bright, colourful, one-of-a kind, size inclusive clothing that have no time for fitting in or caring about what other people think. 

This playground was built in 2017 by myself, Linnie Tam & my life and business partner, Gianni Kina. We’re just 2 average human beans in our mid-20s with the mind and spirit of an adolescent and well, a fashion sense to match! We built Kina & Tam from the ground up in a little shared apartment in Melbourne with the intention of creating an alternative fashion brand and space that would approach dressing up as a fun, expressive, authentic act rather than an adherence to a Vogue editor’s fashion do’s and dont’s list (don’t worry I’ve done this too). Ultimately, at the end of the day, we just want to you to dress for yourself, in the same way your 8 year old self would, however that may look! 

If this sounds like something you’re into, come and play dress-up with us in our fashion playground! I’m sure there’s something bright and shiny that’s already caught your eye. Like us, all of our pieces are nostalgic, humorous, unapologetic and imbued with a sense of playful freedom…all yours for the playing….on *one* condition, we only ask that you wear your Kina & Tam with an 8-year old carefree kind of confidence!

Picture this: you in your Kina & Tam - bright colours, clashing prints, taking up space, giving off majorrrr ‘I like it, I wear it’ vibes. People turn, people stare, but you’re indifferent. You smile knowing that you are dressing for yourself and no one else, and that's exactly it should be. Your inner child would be so proud.

Are you ready to play? 



Location: Playground (secret password for access: forever young)

Life motto: More IS more

Likes: Bright colours, garish prints, having fun, making people feel good about themselves, confidence

Dislikes: Neutrals, playground bullies, adulting


Location: Currently Melbourne

Nationality: Singaporean/Viet

Currently in charge of: Design, production, creative direction, social media (if you interact with us on our socials, that's Linnie - say hi!)

Life motto: Hard work puts you where luck finds you

Likes: Thrifting, DIY, innovative fashion + design, eating, deep conversations + connections, to romanticise everything, gaming (currently playing: Dead By Daylight)

Dislikes: Small talk (‘schmoozing’), exercising even though she knows that it’s good for her, wearing black


Location: Currently Melbourne

Nationality: Belgian

Currently in charge of: Operations, media buying, customer service (if you receive an email response to your query, that's Gianni - say hi!)

Life Motto: Don’t do anything without thinking but don’t let your thinking stop you from doing anything

Likes: data analysis, playing devil’s advocate, taking walks, chocolate, having a cheat meal while watching Friends, playing Dead by Daylight with Linnie

Dislikes: Big social groups (introvert 4 life), long queues, seaweed